Selamat datang di UKUR Properti

Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf

Bukit Telaga Golf, Lakarsantri, Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Rumah PPJB - Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli

Rp 27 Miliar

  • 1200

  • Rp 43,269,231

Tentang properti ini

Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf

Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf

Luas Tanah 624m2
Dimensi 20 x 31,2
Luas Bangunan 1200m2
Bangunan 3 lantai (include basement)
Lantai Full Marmer + Granit
Kamar Tidur 5+1
Kamar Mandi 4+1
- View Lake
- Swimming Pool
- Full Basement
Hadap Selatan
Surat PPJB Split

Harga : 27 Milyar (Negotiable)

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Xavier Marks Premier Malang

Informasi Detail

  • Tipe Properti

    Rumah Dijual

  • Luas Bangunan

    1200 m²

  • Luas Tanah

    624 m²

  • Interior

    Tak Berperabot

  • Per M²

    Rp 43,269,231

  • Status Sewaan


  • Listrik


  • Sertifikat

    PPJB - Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli

  • Terdaftar Pada

    23 Agu 2023

  • Id Listing



  • Garasi
  • Lantai Bawah
  • Kamar Pembantu
  • Menghadap Kolam Renang
  • Keamanan 24 Jam
  • Kolam Renang

Pertanyaan Yang Sering Ditanyakan

Berapa harga jual properti Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf?

Harga jual properti Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf adalah Rp 27 Miliar .

Dimana lokasi Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf?

Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf berlokasi diLakarsantri, Surabaya, Jawa Timur.

Berapa kamar yang tersedia di Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf?

Kamar yang tersedia di Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf adalah berjumlah -1 kamar tidur utama -1 kamar mandi.

Berapa luas bangunan di Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf?

Luas bangunan yang ada pada Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf adalah berkisar di angka 1200 m² meter persegi.

Berapa luas tanah di Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf?

Luas tanah yang ada pada Luxurious Tropical House with Swimming Pool at Bukit Telaga Golf adalah sebesar 624 m² meter persegi.

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