Nama Toko :
Toko Kayu Jati Cinta Asih 3
Alamat Toko :
Jl. A.H. Nasution No.87, Karang Pamulang, Kec. Mandalajati, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40194
Jam Operasional :
07.00-17.00 (Senin-Minggu)
Google Reviews Toko
Menampilkan hasil review dari Toko Kayu Jati Cinta Asih 3, Ada 14 total review pada toko ini.
Google Reviews
Based on 14 reviews
Ninda Amir
1 review
3 bulan yang lalu
Horrible, horrible experience! They sent me doors that are untreated and it arrived with fungal on it! They were aware that the doors are meant for bathroom yet didn’t even inform us that they will be giving us RAW WOODS. The sliding doors were sent to us without hole for rails and their admins just easily replied “we didn’t make holes, so make yourself” had to buy special machine for it myself. And they sent me handles for DRAWERS and expecting me to use it on a 40 over kgs sliding doors.. what a joke of a business. I have no idea who the owner is but he needs to replace a lot of people from his team starting from his ADMINS.
Deswita Muhammad
1 review
1 tahun yang lalu
Devy Maulana Sidik
1 review
2 tahun yang lalu
Maryam Abidin
1 review
5 tahun yang lalu
Murah harganya, kualitas bagus dan pelayananna ramah sekali.
Riezki Santoso
1 review
6 tahun yang lalu
Bahan pintu lengkap,dan dikerjakan oleh tenaga ahli,alat dan mesin lengkap,,bisa pesen sesuai keinginan,puas pokonya beli di toko meubel ini
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